Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Ladybugs

I am so super proud of my Ladybugs, they won First Place at the End of the Season Tournament last night. After two night of double headers (which is a whole lot for 4, 5 & 6 year olds) they did it!  They have came such a long way, at the beginning of the season a couple of them could barely even hold a bat, let alone swing it! They all did so great! My very favorite little Ladybug, Ella did awesome last night, she caught her first pop fly and also had the most awesome play at home to tag a runner out. The umpire said that it should be on the play of the week on ESPN!!! :o)
I have had so much fun this season with these little cuties, but let me tell you it is HARD work!!!  If you have never been a coach I am telling you it is really tough, and before you get all huffy and puffy at your kids coach take a minute and ask yourself, what would you do in their shoes and remember we are human and make mistakes too!!!!

Here are some more pics:

My favorite little girl

As fun as the season was I am a bit relieved it is over - Parker has started All-Stars and is in his first tournament this weekend in Woodstock, it's tough when you got 2 running in 2 different directions. But I love it and wouldn't change a thing!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ed Hardy........Just don't do it!

Ed Hardy is a clothing company that makes a wide range of expensive t-shirts, hoodies, and jeans. These clothes are notable for their use of elements from classic tattoo design such as skulls, hearts, and dragons. I know hate is a very STRONG word but I HATE these clothes. I mean take a look at these GOOBERS.....
They are really cool, don't ya think!!!! My husband has a name for these guys with the initials of D.B. Don't get me wrong I really do like the "slim fit" shirts that are in for guys right now but something about the Ed Hardy ones just make me ill. I always think they are about to head out to a UFC party or the nearest night club so they can do their "White Man's Overbite Dance" you know the one where they sway back and forth while holding a beer in one hand!!!!

So this is my public announcement for the day...... If you own any Ed Hardy clothing, burn it! Or WAIT  maybe you could hang on to it and instead of having a Tacky Christmas sweater party I will have a D.B Ed Hardy gear party!!!!

Oh and one last thing..... I realize they are now selling Ed Hardy merchandise for children, please don't do that to those innocent babies - IT'S JUST WRONG!!!!

P.S. I do understand that Ed Hardy was a legendary Tattoo Artist, but he never should have let Christian Audigier get the rights to produce apparel! He is also the same guy to bring us those lovely Von Dutch trucker hats......

need I say more???

Ed Hardy                                                           

Christian Audigier

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kate Mcrae

Well my blog today isn't something that will make you burst out in laughter but is something that I hope you will read and begin praying with me for this sweet, sweet girl.
Isn't she beautiful, her name is Kate Mcrae and she is almost 6 years old (just like my Ella). This little angel is battling cancer. She has a brain tumor that was discovered in June of last year. She has already been through, brain surgery, chemo and is currently undergoing proton radiation. Her tumor is so rare that at this point once she finshes the radiation the doctors are unsure of what to do next if the radiation does not kill the tumor.
I stumbled across her website about 3 months ago and just feel attached to this little girl, maybe it's because she is the same age as Ella and I just can not even begin to think of my baby girl going through this.

I follow her blog daily praying for a miracle. I do know that our God is the Great Physician and with him all things are possible. I hope that you will join in with me and pray for Kate and her sweet family.

Here is Kate's Story:
This site is dedicated to our beautiful and courageous daughter Kate who is currently battling against brain cancer.

June 29, 2009 has forever changed our family. The day continues to bring a torrent of emotions as we recall it, and yet we pray that one day we will recall it knowing it changed us but did not defeat us. It was a Monday where I, Kate's mom, was going to take our 3 kids Olivia 7, Kate 5 1/2, and Will 4 to the water park. A day of celebrating summer. Plans changed quickly as I noticed that a slight tremor in Kate's right hand over the past three days had notably worsened.

We made an appointment to her Pediatrician. Early evening we were headed to Phoenix Children's Hospital for a stat CT of Kate's head. I patiently filled our Kate's kindergarten application as we waited to be released after the CT. We however would not be released. Rather 3 people came out to tell me that our little Kate had a large mass on her brain. Our world stopped.

You can never prepare fully for a moment where one sentence changes everything. We were emergently admitted to PICU and began the battle for Kate's life.

There are no words possible to describe how difficult this journey has been. Our hearts saddened to a point we didn't know existed. And yet, we are fully prepared to walk this and fight with Kate every step of the way.

We believe strongly in the power of prayer. We know none of this has caught our God off guard. And He is fully capable of healing our daughter.

Holly & Aaron Mcrae

Once you go to the site you can click on blog, this will take you to her caring bridge page. You can read the current journal or you can click on journal and start from the beginning. You will see that this family has had so many ups and downs but through it all they have kept their faith and know that God is with them every step of the way!

Grab your babies, Hug them, Squeeze them and thank GOD for their health!
Don't sweat the small stuff!!!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's been a long time..........

Like that fine band Led Zeppelin once said, "It's been a long time since I rock and rolled!" except for me, "It's been a long time since I blogged at all!" But I am taking the steps to get back on track!!! A dear friend has "reminded" me often that I have not blogged and that I was letting my followers down. I am so sorry and I promise to TRY and do better!(TL)

Let me just say that my world has been super, super busy - THE WORKING MOTHER IS VERY OVER-RATED! With work, coaching softball, baseball, PTA, Room mom, Sassy & Sweet, Treasurer and all the other stuff that I do I stay pretty crazy. But you know I don't think I would have it any other way. I had someone tell me that I needed to quit trying to be a stay at home mom, but you know I want to be there and do all those things for my kids - I wish that things were different and I could stay at home but until that day I am going to keep on truckin' like I have been. Yes, I will probably be grey a lot sooner than some but I will be happy that I was so involved in my kids lives!

Until next time America............. Smith Out ---