We finally planted all of our plants last night - just in time for that downpour early this morning! I was actually kind of nervous they would be damaged - but they looked ok this morning!
This picture is not so fabulous - hopefully I will get a better one later
Got cilantro and tomatoes - perfect for salsa!! Yummy!
Here is a delicious recipe for Black Bean Salsa:
2 (15-ounce) cans black beans, rinsed and drained
1 (17-ounce) package frozen whole kernel corn, thawed
2 large tomatoes, seeded and diced
1 large avocado, peeled and diced
1 small onion, diced
1/8 to 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl. Cover and chill overnight. Taste and add salt, pepper or more lime juice as necessary. Serve with tortilla chips as an appetizer, or with grilled chicken breast as a meal.
I wish that you could smell this
Lavender - it smells so lovely!

Check out all of these fabulous uses for Lavender - Who knew?
Lemonade: Make a tea with fresh lavender leaves and hot water. Strain the water and add it to your lemonade. Put a dollop of honey infused with fresh lavender in iced tea, or put dried lavender flowers in your sugar bowl. For an unexpected surprise, add fresh lavender flowers to a very cold glass of Sauvignon Blanc. The wine’s fruitiness pairs well with lavender.
Grilling: Tie fresh lavender and fresh rosemary into a bundle and place it on the grill with your favorite meat (lamb is particularly yummy with lavender).
Cooking: Add one-half teaspoon of dried lavender to your favorite sugar-cookie mix, or make fresh homemade lavender ice cream. Blend chopped lavender flowers with butter for a savory scone topping.
NOTE: Adding too much lavender to your recipe can be like eating perfume and will make your dish bitter. Because of the strong flavor of lavender, the secret is that a little goes a long way.
Carpet freshener: After the fresh lavender dries, grind it up and add it to baking soda, then sprinkle it on your carpet. When you vacuum, the whole house will smell like lavender and it’ll freshen your vacuum cleaner, too.
Dog deodorizer: Rub a clump of fresh or dried lavender into your dog’s fur.
Sleep aid: Squeeze fresh lavender flowers to release their calming oils onto your fingertips, then rub your temples. Or boil dried flowers in water and inhale the vapors.
Antiseptic: Rub lavender essential oil or fresh lavender flowers on a cut to hasten healing.
-Cleanser/toner for skin care: (especially dry or mature skin) Blend 15 drops each of rose and lavender essential oils with 25 ml of witch hazel and 75 ml distilled water (or another flower water) and apply morning and night before moisturizing the skin.
-Moisturizing the skin: Bland 3 drops of lavender essential oil with 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil (or a moisturizing cream). Apply twice daily.
-Sunburn: Due to its excellent healing and analgesic properties, lavender can provide instant relief from heat rash or red and sore skin. It can also prevent blistering.
-Make a lotion using 12 drops of lavender essential oil in 1 tablespoon of distilled water. Dab the area gently.
Potpourri: Mix dried lavender flowers with fresh thyme, rosemary or mint leaves, ground coriander and ground cloves for an aromatic potpourri.
Bath sachet: Place 2 tablespoons of lavender and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in a muslin bag or cheesecloth, and tie it beneath the bath spigot so water flows through it. Rub the bag on your skin while bathing. Or add 1 pound of baking soda, 7 to 10 drops of lavender essential oil and a handful of fresh lavender blossoms to a warm bath.
Mister: Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a sprayer bottle of water for a refreshing room mister or a dog deodorizer.
Run out and grab you some Lavender to plant today!!! That list makes me wonder how I have
made it so long without it!